Our Partners

Adult Learning Australia 
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre 
Brunswick Business Network 
Brunswick Library 
Casa Cultura  
CIS Moreland 
Community Childcare Centres Cooperative 
Creative Moreland   
Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria 
Fawkner Neighbourhood House 
Hume Merri-bek Volunteer Coordinators Network 
Inner North Community Foundation 
Jobs Australia 
Justice Connect 
Kangan Institute of TAFE 
Learn Local Providers Network 
Lentara Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre 
Melbourne City Mission 
Melbourne Polytechnic 
Merri Health Service 
Merri-bek Business Network 
Merri Outreach Support Service (MOSS) 
Moreland Food Gardens Network 
Moreland Italian Women’s Group 
Merri-bek Maternal and Child Health Services 
Moreland Turkish Women’s Group 
Mosaik Experiences   
Neighbourhood Houses Victoria 
North West Neighbourhood Houses Network 
Open Table 
Our Community 
Salvation Army Asylum Seeker and Refugee Service 
Salvation Army Brunswick 
Second Bite 
St. Margaret Mary’s Primary School 
The Very Good Falafel 
VICSEG New Futures