Student Code of Conduct
This Charter sets out your rights and how you will be treated when you take part in any Brunswick Neighbourhood House (BNH) program or activity. It also sets out your responsibilities and what you can do to help us provide the quality programs and activities.
This Service Charter is about everyone being clear about how people should treat one another and how we can work together to achieve the best possible experience for you.
What you can expect from BNH
BNH is committed to providing the best possible programs and activities. This includes respecting your right to:
- be able to access quality programs and activities;
- be provided with adequate information on programs and activities;
- be provided with adequate information on BNH’s policies and procedures regarding your rights;
- be provided with a welcoming, friendly and inclusive environment where you can learn, participate and achieve your goals;
- have your personal privacy protected by ensuring that all personal information is kept confidential;
- be respected irrespective of your culture, religion, disability, gender, sexual preference, age, opinions, views and individual needs;
- be safe and free from harm when taking part in BNH programs and activities; and
- be able to ask questions, provide comments or make a complaint.
What BNH expects from you
You can help us provide the best programs and activities for you by:
- You can help us provide the best programs and activities for you by:
- respecting BNH’s policies and procedures;
- always acting respectfully and safely towards other people using the service and towards staff and volunteers;
- refraining from interrupting other House activities and/or your own program
- notifying BNH if you are unable to attend a class or activity when possible;
- caring for the property of others and its return when borrowed;
- respecting and valuing our facilities;
- being punctual;
- responding to any reasonable instruction from a tutor or member of staff;
- turning off mobile phones in the classroom or during activities as appropriate;
- refraining from bringing children to class;
- asking permission before taking photos of other participants;
- telling us about what you need or ways we can work together better;
- asking questions regarding any aspect of the course or activity that you are unsure of;
- giving us your comments, ideas and opinions to help us improve our programs and activities;
- paying fees (if applicable) on time
If something happens that you do not like, please let us know
You can tell us in a way that suits you:
- talk to a staff member or manager
- email us at
- call us on 9386 9418
What happens if I don’t comply with the Service Charter
If you fail to comply with your responsibilities outlined above, the following process will occur:
- A warning will be given by the program/activity coordinator or their delegate and you will be reminded of your responsibilities. You will be advised to comply with the Service Charter and that if the non-compliance continues you may be asked to leave the program or activity.
- If the non-compliance continues the CEO or their delegate will make a final and binding decision about dismissal from the program or activity.
- In exceptional cases of extreme anti-social behaviour, the relevant program/activity coordinator has the right to exclude someone immediately from a program or activity subject to a right of appeal to the CEO. Copies of our Privacy and Complaints Policies are available upon request.